Nine Twisted Truths or Falsehoods about Life Issues and the Covid Vaccines
by Sara F. McIntosh, RN
August 22, 2021
1) Twisted Truth: Two of the vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna, did not use aborted fetal cell lines for production but only for testing. This testing was not performed by a random PhD student conducting a study for his thesis. It was a critical part of the research and development of the vaccine. [1,2] The drug companies do not have to include the fetal cell lines as ingredients unless they are actually grown in the cell line, and the cell line is needed for continued production, as in the case of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Though the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines don’t need the cell line for continued production, they still owe their existence to cells from babies who were murdered in order to harvest their organs.
2) Twisted Truth: There was only one baby used, and it was legally aborted in the 60’s. The mother was going to get the abortion anyway and did not get the abortion just for the sake of the vaccine.
A) The cells for the particular cell line may have been taken from one baby, but dozens of aborted babies are typically experimented on in the attempt to produce a cell line, e.g. the rubella vaccine. [3,4]
B) The doctor who harvests the baby’s cells is in the room during the abortion. The knowledge that her baby will be used to help others can mitigate any conflicting feelings the mother may have about the abortion. Upon reviewing several studies, it has been found that, “Women considering abortion are more likely to do so if they believe they can donate the fetus for research.” [5] Therefore, it is likely that in some cases, knowing the baby would go for medical purposes was the deciding factor for having the abortion. Furthermore, doctors are respected and revered in our society. A doctor’s recommendation has a good chance of being believed and acted upon, particularly if the patient is ill or distressed. A doctor or educated researcher in the room with a conflicted new mom has a big influence on her actions. In this way it is likely that using aborted fetal cells for vaccines results in more babies being killed for their organs.
C) Even in the cases where the mother did not have the abortion solely for the sake of producing vaccines, the abortion doctor and the researcher present participated in premeditated murder for the purpose of profit.
3) Falsehood: This is a good way of using tissue that would have gone in the trash. However, the baby’s body can’t be used out of the trash. It has to be planned ahead so that the doctor can harvest the cells he wants within a few minutes after the abortion. [6] Sometimes the baby is still alive when it is dissected for the cells. Dr. Bernard Nathanson quoted from Dr Peter McCullough’s book, The Fetus As Transplant Donor: Scientific, Social, and Ethical Perspectives, “They would inject a substance into the womb. The woman would then go into mini-labor and pass this baby. 50% of the time, the baby would be born alive, but that didn’t stop them. They would just simply open up the abdomen of the baby with no anesthesia, and take out the liver and kidneys, etc.” [7] Furthermore, the researcher sometimes carefully chooses his subjects for a family history that suits his purposes, as in the vaccine for German measles. [8] The intentions of the doctor and researcher were premeditated, decided before the baby was slaughtered. Using fetal tissue for research is not justification for murder. “When one performs an act that is intended to bring about a benefit for the greater good of society, if
an innocent person is harmed, it is not a moral act. It is in fact, utilitarianism, a modern Hedonistic theory that promotes the greatest good for the greatest number of people.” [9]
4) Twisted Truth: They used the cells from the aborted baby to make new cells. (This is called a cell line.) So the cells from the original baby are not actually used in or for the vaccine. Though this is true, the murder still occurred for profit. Does it make a difference if the cells can be made to last a long time and help a lot of people? And though there may be no complete cells in the vaccines, there is residual DNA from the aborted baby in some vaccines. [10]
5) Falsehood: HEK-293 is an immortalized cell line, meaning it can go on making cells forever. Therefore, it does not increase the demand for abortion. Even if these cell lines are really immortal, their success causes the demand for more cell lines to be made for more and varied purposes. There are nearly 1600 cell lines and strains in existence today and many more currently being developed, some for the purpose of also becoming immortalized. [11] Babies are still being killed and their organs harvested for this purpose. Therefore, using immortalized cell lines does create a demand for abortion.
6) Twisted Truth: The mothers gave permission, just like someone gives permission for use of their organs after death. Though the mother may have given permission, the baby did not. The Nuremberg Code and the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights states that, “members of the human species who cannot give informed consent for research should not be the subjects of an experiment unless they may benefit from it or the experiment carries no significant risk of harming them.” [12]
7) Twisted Truth: Many medications, including Tylenol and Advil, were tested on aborted fetal cell lines. Why make a fuss about vaccines?
A) Tylenol and Advil were developed before the aborted fetal cell lines existed. They therefore cannot possibly owe their existence to aborted fetal cells. Many other medications were not developed or produced using the fetal cell lines but were later experimented on using aborted fetal cell lines by PhD students or others. [13]
B) Many Christians were unaware that fetal cell lines were used medically until it came out about the Covid vaccines. Then we found out we were vaccinating our children all along with vaccines created using aborted fetal cell lines. It can seem as if there is no reason to start protesting it now. There is much pressure to accept these vaccines due to the fear of the consequences of the pandemic. There is a scripture relevant to this situation. “Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, ‘Behold, we did not know this,’ does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will he not repay man according to his work?” Proverbs 24:11-12. Since we know now, we can infer that we will be held accountable for this knowledge.
C) If enough people get upset enough about using aborted babies in research to do something about it, it will stop. If adults were being murdered for their organs, would people be more upset? Many product labels state that animals were not harmed in the testing of this product. Why? Because so many people got upset about the treatment of animals. Shouldn’t we be more vocal on behalf of fellow humans than animals?
D) What about the medications and other products that may be tested on aborted fetal cells that we don’t know about? Many people would have us take the Covid vaccines because of these unknowns. It is the practice of using murdered babies for medical purposes that is wicked, not products sitting on shelves. [13] The goal is to end this wicked practice. Since we know about the vaccines, we can focus on them for now. In the last year, we have obtained a greater level of knowledge by a greater number of people about the use of aborted fetal cells in vaccines. How will we react? If we accept them with little or no protest, we have wasted this opportunity to show drug companies that this is an unacceptable practice. It will not be as effective to receive the vaccine now, and then go back later and say we don’t want them to do it any more. Our action would belie our words. The drug companies will rightly take profitability as the true measure of our acceptance of the practice. [14]
8) Falsehood: These babies died decades ago. This is no longer relevant. Why risk the lives of people alive now for the sake of those who have already died?
A) Lives would not be at risk if drug companies used one of the many other options for making and testing vaccines, e.g. chick embryo. Even adult stem cells could be used. [15] If people would refuse to use unethical cell lines, drug companies would come up with new vaccines and widely advertise their acceptable nature. This was the case recently for the polio vaccine. [16] Earlier a boycott of Pepsi-Cola caused them to stop researching artificial sweeteners using aborted fetal cell lines. [17]
B) There are many other uses for aborted children in the medical field, for which vaccines are being used as a legal precedent. [18.19] Eventually the current supply of desirable aborted fetuses may not be enough for all the possible uses. In time, recruitment of women and even paying them for abortions may be perceived as needful, as people are now paid to donate plasma. Researchers in Israel have already harvested ovarian tissue from aborted fetuses, which could be used for in-vitro fertilization and human cloning therapies and experiments. [20] There is even an intention “to conceive and intentionally abort the fetus so the tissue can be used to save another life.” In New Jersey it is legal to clone embryos and implant them into a woman’s uterus “as long as there is no live birth.” Legally if this surrogate mother decided she wanted to keep her baby, she would be forced to have an abortion. [21] If we allow ourselves to be desensitized to these current unethical practices, the hearts of those who come after us will also be gradually hardened, leading to even more horrible practices.
C) Current ethical norms regarding the use of aborted fetal cell lines are still being stretched in the US. In 2015 a US company made a new cell line in China because their methods were not legal here. [22]
9) Falsehood: Since these vaccines are the only available vaccines for Covid-19, using them is justified to prevent illness and death.
A) The wide use of the vaccines created from aborted fetal cell lines, largely unknowingly by the public, has already created a demand for new fetal cell lines, which have been and are currently being developed. The industry interprets the widespread use as acceptance of the practice, and indeed that is what it is. [23] By continuing to use these vaccines, we create a demand for future cell lines to be created and therefore for more abortions. [24] In a type of circular reasoning, the use of these cell lines in vaccines is also being used in public policy as justification for using them for more vaccines and for other purposes, such as cloning. [14]
B) Using these vaccines actually provides a type of support for abortion. The goal to eliminate abortion could be hindered by the use of aborted babies in medical research. It has already been an influence in court decisions. [25] The more dependent we become on the supply of aborted fetuses, the more justified abortion becomes in the eyes of the world. Those whose beliefs are wavering regarding abortion may look at all the “good” it is doing and see a silver lining in the cloud of abortion. We need to keep it clear that abortion is the murder of an innocent human being and that there is no benefit to an individual or society that could justify it.
C) Though it is much discussed that the current Covid vaccines could be a risk to their recipients’ health in themselves, it seems more imperative to reject the vaccines based on pro life issues alone. If more people were to do that instead of talking so much about all the conspiracies and side effects, it could become publicly noticed. If people are even willing to risk their long-term health and their lives for the sake of babies, it would be noteworthy. There was a reaction to the first polio vaccine for the same reason, so an ethical alternative was made. [16] Polio was a serious health issue. People risked their children’s lives and future health by refusing it. It is God who is ultimately in charge of our health and life and death. Therefore, participating in something unethical to preserve these things is not only a questionable moral act, but totally unnecessary.
This is not written to condemn anyone who has had an abortion in the past or who has already, knowingly or unknowingly, taken vaccines which use aborted fetal cells. It is written to help people make informed decisions and to become proactive in stopping the use of unborn children for medical purposes.
[1] Guidance on getting the COVID-19 vaccine. (2021). Children of God for Life.
[2] Guidance on getting the COVID-19 vaccine. (2021). Children of God for Life.
[3] Plotkin, et al, Attenuation of RA 2713 Rubella Virus in WI-38 Human Diploid Cell, American Journal of Diseases of Children, Vol. 118, pp 178-179, August 1969
[4] Chang TH, Moorhead PS, Boue JG, Plotkin SA, Hoskins JM. Chromosome studies of human cells infected in utero and in vitro with rubella virus. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1966
[5] Presentation, Nebraska Catholic Conference, State Capital Rotunda, March 21, 2001
[6] Dr. C. Ward Kischer, Embryologist and Emeritus Professor of Anatomy; Specialist in Human Embryology, University of Arizona College of Medicine (Tucson, Arizona) Personal interview 7-02, ALL Conference
[7 ] Conference on Love, Life and the Family, Irvine, CA, April 6-10-1994
[8] G. Sven, S. Plotkin, K. McCarthy, Gamma Globulin Prophylaxis; Inactivated Rubella Virus; Production and Biological Control of Live Attenuated Rubella Virus Vaccines; Amer J Dis Child Vol 118 Aug 1969
[9] Healthcare Ethics, Norms of Christian Decision Making in Bioethics – Principles of Well Formed Conscience, Georgetown Univ. Press, 1997
[10] Lee, E., & TODAY, U. (2020, July 2). Fact check: While vaccines contain human DNA, there is no link to cancer, autism. USA TODAY. na/3239246001/
[11], Release information: Version 38 (May 2021)
[12] Vinnedge, D. L. (2003, September 1). Vaccines & abortions. Children of God for Life.
Crystal Clear Complicity para. 4
[13] Trasancos, J. L. (2021, May 12). Let’s get a few things cleared up: Testing, cell lines and fetal tissue. Children of God for Life.
[14] Vinnedge, D. L. (2003, September 1). Vaccines & abortions. Children of God for Life.
Perceived Public Acceptance
[15] Vinnedge, D. L. (2003, September). Vaccines & abortions. Children of God for Life.
The Hunt For Fresh Fetuses, para. 3
[16] Vinnedge, D. L. (2020, June 4). UPDATE 9-15-20: Take action – Sanofi Pasteur discontinues aborted fetal polio vaccine – Using moral cell lines instead. Children of God for Life. ell-lines-instead/
[17] Vinnedge, D. L. (2012, April 30). An end to the Pepsi boycott! Children of God for Life.
[18] Vinnedge, D. L. (2003, September). Vaccines & abortions. Children of God for Life.
Encouraging Further Abortions and Research, paras. 7, 8, 10
[19] Bush Letter to The Editor, NY Times OP/Ed August 12, 2001; Nobel laureates’ letter to President Bush. Washington Post. Feb 2001 1¬Found=true
[20] Aborted Fetuses Provide Source For Egg Shortage, Mon, June 30th 2003, Reuters Newswire, Madrid, Spain
[21] Vinnedge, D. L. (2003, September 1). Vaccines & abortions. Children of God for Life.
The Good of Society? para. 4
[22] Wuhan, H., & Kunming, Y. (2015, March 24). Characteristics and viral propagation properties of a new human diploid cell line, walvax-2, and its suitability as a candidate cell substrate for vaccine production. PubMed Central (PMC).
[23] Vinnedge, D. L. (2003, September). Vaccines & abortions. Children of God for Life.
Perceived Public Acceptance, para. 3
[24] Vinnedge, D. L. (2003, September 1). Vaccines & abortions. Children of God for Life.
Crystal Clear Complicity para. 9
[25] iend=usatoday